Characteristics Of Trevor's Coaching

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Think about your favorite coach. Think about why he or she is your favorite coach. What traits does he or she possess that makes them great? Those reasons are some of the traits Trevor Weeks owns and uses in his coaching. Weeks shapes the lives of every young boy that he coaches every season. Trevor is a hero because of his impacts on these kids lives. Trevor faced many obstacles while pursuing his dreams of becoming a teacher and a coach; meanwhile, he stayed positive through it all. In the words of Christopher Reeve, who played Superman in a couple of pictures, “A hero is an ordinary individual who finds strength to persevere and endure in spite of overwhelming obstacles,” (Franklin) He faces the struggle of managing his time. Specifically, …show more content…

Coaches are usually heroes in the eyes of young athletes. In “Psychology of Heroism,” one researcher explained that an attribute of heroes is that they do what they do out of freewill (Cherry, “Psychology of Heroism”). Trevor volunteers a couple places; he offered to work at the Salvation Army and at Denver’s weight room. He supervised their weight room occasionally in the summer. That is a huge part of what keeps their athletics going. Next, Trevor’s position at Denver is an unpaid assistant coaching position; therefore, he does this as a volunteer because he cares about the kids he coaches that he is willing to take no paycheck. Because this is his dream, he is willing to take an unpaid position and get the chance to change kids lives through coaching. The people who have inspired him to have and pursue this dream have really pushed him to go for it. He stated in an interview that all of his coaches in high school have inspired him, but one coach in particular stood out to him, and that was Coach Lenz. He respected Trevor even though he never wrestled varsity or never qualified for state. He strived to be just like his hero, and now he is actually living it. Trevor is a hero in the eyes of every kid he

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