
Charles Darwin's Theory Of The Evolution Of Primates

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People like us are thought to be evolved over time. We were first though to come from primates. This process involves different scientific disciplines like: physical anthropology, genetics, archaeology, paleontology, linguistics, ethology, evolutionary, psychology, embryology, embryology and primatology. The first thought creature that humans evolved from is homosapians, homo in Latin mean human. Charles Darwin was the first to believe in the human evolution, he argued for the idea of the evolution of new species from earlier ones. Charles published a book called “Origin of Species” about his reasons to believe in the human evolution, and many believed him because of that book.
A problem was that they didn’t have much proof because of the lack of fossils, it took them 30 years to find the first fossil in Africa, the intermediate species began to accumulate. The skull seemed to be like a humans because the skull seemed too small, it was round unlike chimpanzees and gorillas. …show more content…

People were believed to have started out as primates, and over the years primates started to advance and start making big sharp rocks and make stone tools with that, the main tool being the handaxe coming the next 1 million years. Also you can tell that over the years if you look at primates skulls the braincase began to get bigger and bigger, proving that primates became even smarter over the couple million years.
One of the first human traits the homosapians had was that they could walk on 2 legs, which furtherly evolved over about 4 million years ago. Other characteristics were their large and complex brain/head, the way that they could make and use tools, and the complexity to speak a language(which

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