Charlie Bighams Essay

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Based on research by Root (1994) the entry mode decision of a company can be a very comprehensive process. As a result the managers of Charlie Bighams need to carefully analyse factors in the internal and external environment of the organisation that may affect or influence its entry mode decisions. THE INTERNAL FACTORS SIZE OF FIRM: For Charlie Bighams this is regarded as a vey important factor in influenicng the entry mode choice of the company, because as a small firm the risk exposure is way higher than it would be in a larger firm. Therefore it is vital for the mangers to ensure that they understand the potential risks involved in investing in foreign countries as failure in the Netherlands may result in the entire firm shutting down due to limited resoures and finaces of the firm. However, according to Shubber (2015), there has been a steady expansion in the Charlie Bighams brand as the company realised over 26.6 million in sales over the past decade in the UK, so it is possible for the company to endure …show more content…

In the case of Charlie Bighams, the company believes that it is important for majority of the meals to be prepared by hands which gives it the appearance and taste as though it were cooked in your kitchen, giving the products a major advantage over that of its competitors. In addition, Shubber (2015) states that the hiring pollicies of charlie bighams involves the reqruitment of staffs with working experiences from large well known brands such as; Kellogs and mars. This experience allows the employees to provide the customers with the best possible services. Charlie Bighams products are mostly service intensive, which makes it very difficult fo the company to serve its customers in a distant market therfore an equity mode of entry which allows local productions is higly

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