Charlie Gordon In Daniel Keyes Flowers For Algernon

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The Operation

I’M SO DUMB!!!!! “I’m not so fast sometimes. I’m a slow reader too in Miss Kinnians class for slow adults, but i’m trying very hard” Daniel Keyes page 54. This is a character from the book “Flowers for Algernon” the character is Charlie Gordon he is a grown man that goes to a class to help him he is very slow in the brain. But his teacher Ms. Kinnian says that he has an opportunity to have an operation done on his brain to try to make him smarter but there is a bit of a problem. The operation has only been tested on a mouse named Algernon and It’s worked. In my opinion Charlie should have the operation.

Charlie Gordon is a very lead-footed person. He really wants to be smart like his friends. I have taken into consideration