Charlotte Desert Research Paper

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This specific oasis is in the Libyan Desert. The Libyan Desert is located in the northern and eastern side of the Sahara Desert. It consists of the desert in western Egypt, eastern and southern Libya, and northwestern Sudan. Unlike most part of the desert, the oasis consists of plants, and water. It is an isolated place in the desert where there is vegetation. The oasis also provides a habitat for animals. The reason it for it having this water and other features that the rest of the desert cannot have, is because it is located around the very few sources of water that the desert has. This is as well the reason why it is so popular, since most of the desert is made of sand. The water source comes from underground rivers or aquifers where …show more content…

But it does go through small changes, such as that in the summer usually this oasis tends to dry up a bit more causing it to be less water. The reason this changes are occurring is because of the high temperatures. Water can evaporate. So the higher the heat, the more it evaporates. My picture describes geography because geography is a subject that studies the earth’s surface and the processes that shape it and the relationships between humans and physical environment. My picture shows a place on the surface of the earth, in the picture you can also see that the surroundings are unlike than the focus of the picture (the oasis), so it shows you that there is some type of natural processes/changes happening. And also, oasis can be man made, so the picture can show if men have made it, or if it has been made by natural changes. In brief, my picture shows the oasis of the Libyan Desert. It is unlike its environment because of the underground rivers, natural processes, or sometime man made wells. The oasis doesn’t go through any heavy changes, apart fro the fact that it dries up a bit more during the summer, because the water evaporates. And finally, my picture is able t represent geography because my picture shows a place on the earth’s surface and it shows that it is unlike it’s environment so there must be some type of