Chemical Change Lab Report

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In the first part of the experiment, students will use observation to study the cause and effect of four different chemicals brought together and changed occurring. The four chemicals closely looked at are Calcium Chloride (CaCl2), Sodium Bicarbonate (NaHCO3), Phenol Red Solution, and Deionized Water (H2O). The chemical changes students will mainly look for is if there is a change of color, heat and/or light generated, gas produced and precipitate formation. Applying these principles in a practical manner are used to determine the underlying factors responsible for the particular observations.The second section of this experiment is conducting a series of controlled experiments to determine the cause of change in each observation made in the …show more content…

For example, in the first experiment (A+B+C), the procedure is to mix a teaspoon of calcium (A), ½ teaspoon of sodium bicarbonate (B), and 100 drops of phenol red solution (C) in a sealable plastic bag. As a result, there were several visible chemical changes that occurred over the course of time: there is an energy change (increase in temperature), color change to mustard substance, gas released, and changed from a solid to liquid state. Another observation seen was how without the mixture of the phenol red solution or deoxidized water, little to no visible chemical or physical changes occurred. For example, when calcium chloride and sodium bicarbonate are mixed together, there are no occurring changes: both solids don’t dissolve, their colors stay the same, and no gas or bubbles are released. Some questions arise concerning the changes observed in the experiments are the following: Does the interaction of phenol red cause the observed color change in the overall phenomenon?; what interaction is responsible for the increase and decrease in temperature change; can there be any reaction without the presence of water-based solutions?; and if the amount of each chemical was adjusted to be added more or less of in the combinations; would there be more or less chemical changes visible to observe in the individual experiments? …show more content…

These water-based chemicals are a key ingredient to mix with combinations of the solid-based chemicals, calcium chloride and sodium bicarbonate used to determine the cause of changes or none in the lab. Furthermore, in order for a chemical to change its physical state, temperature, color or gas releasing, these two chemicals must be present and combined with other chemicals in the lab. Another point seen is the importance of the relationship between cause and effect in chemistry. Without the scientific method, scientists wouldn’t be able to find explanations to questions with experimentation and analyze their data with to further their research. This lab is applicable to everyday life because we tend to use the scientific method and observational skills to solve problems without direct or simple answers. For example, one might suggest that a light bulb that burns out may simply need to be replaced. A light bulb that works intermittently is a much more suitable candidate for use of the scientific method, because of all of the potential causes of it not

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