
Instructional Lab Report

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The purpose of this lab is to practice the use of the scientific method, the series of steps in which scientific data is collected through observation and experimentation. The secondary purpose of this lab is to discover the issue that dominantly interests the students at Nova High School.
The hypothesis for this experiment is that the students at Nova High School are most concerned about the state of education in the United States, considering that they are all students in school.
A survey form recording students’ names, what grade they are in, and what issue was most important to them: the economy, education, energy and the environment, immigration, or health care.
A writing utensil to fill out the survey …show more content…

There have been surveys conducted in the past that are similar to this experiment with a wider range of people. A study conducted by Pew Research Center was able to uncover the top issues that will influence the vote of registered voters in the United States this coming election. The findings in the survey conducted by Pew Research Center were similar to what we discovered in the experiment performed with Nova’s High School students. Economy, healthcare, education, the environment, and immigration were among the issues that registered voters felt were most important to them, along with many others. Eighty-four percent of voters felt that the economy was the most important to their vote, making it the most important issue in the 2016 election. In the experiment conducted with Nova High School students, 19.9% of the students voted the economy as the issue that is most important to them, right behind education, which was voted by 42.7% of the students who participated in the survey, making it the primary interest of Nova’s students. Also, in our experiment, the topic of immigration peaked the interest of 9% of the students we surveyed. In the research conducted by Pew Research Center, 70% of the registered voters questioned felt that immigration was very

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