Science Grade 9 Final Report

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a. Our assessments align with the Science Grade level Expectations. The standards followed for this assessment were:
Formulate testable questions and hypotheses
Design and conduct a valid experiment
Determine the appropriate tools and techniques to collect data
Use a variety of tools and equipment to gather data (e.g., microscopes, thermometers, analog and digital meters, computers, spring scales, balances, metric rulers, graduated cylinders, stopwatches)
Use quantitative and qualitative data as support for reasonable explanations (conclusions)
Communicate the procedures and results of investigations and explanations through: oral presentations, drawings and maps, data tables (allowing for the recording and analysis of data relevant to the experiment, such as independent and dependent variables, multiple trials, beginning and ending times or temperatures, derived quantities), graphs (bar, single line, pictograph),equations and writings

Based on these standards, the learning goal for this unit is, “the student will be able to design valid experiments,” and the learning target is, “I can conduct valid experiments.” Lessons taught prior to this assessment were used to prepare students for this unit assessment, the benchmark assessment, and will become the …show more content…

As a baseline for student growth, we conducted an early data point at the beginning of the unit and looked at student scores in the gradebook (ARTIFACT GRADEBOOK). Students’ are scored using standard based grading on a scale from 1 to 4. This scoring ranges form still working to understand the material, to being able to teach the material to others. Looking at the baseline, the average score was 1.23. This means students are coming into this unit, with little prior knowledge, and looking at individual student assessments, it is clear that they are still struggling with the basics of scientific