Child Abuse: A Big Problem In Our Society Today

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Brenda Becerril
Mrs. Massey
English 3
Child Abuse
Child Abuse is a big problem in our society today. That affects the victims both physically and mentally. There are workable solutions; however, people need to be more informed and aware of what abuse is and how it can affect the victim, especially if the abuse starts during the victims’ childhood.
The true definition of child abuse, Is when a parent or any guardian has any type of mistreated towards a child under the age of 18. It can be physical, sexual, and emotional or even neglect. The person that is doing the abuse does not have to be a legal guardian, it can be a teacher, babysitter or even a family member or stranger. Studies show that abuse mostly happens in families that …show more content…

Neglect Abuse, meaning that parent don’t have the basic needs for a child, with the symptoms is the child may seem in necessity of cloths by maybe their clothes being ripped or dirty, have problems with nutrition, or other necessities and also may miss a lot of school days unexcused. Physical Abuse, is when someone is hurt physically but purposely, and some of the signals to know that the child is physically being abused is having injuries that are not normal for a child to have, bumps and bruises that are simply unexplained or explained in a way that does not make sense. It’s a serious abuse, except corporal punishment. Sexual Abuse, Is forcing an underage to any type of sexual contact, activity or as well as behavior. As well that some of the symptoms or signs that a child is being sexually abuse are that the child may make an inappropriate comment at his age. Also they may touch another kid sexually with no knowledge of knowing it was wrong, or abusing another child. Finally, another common abuse is emotional abuse. Its definition is words, actions or indifference that impairs psychological growth and develop of the child. As well, the symptoms or signs are, the child having repressed development, withdrawal and in big need of having the attention of others (Gale