Child Abuse Case Study

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Chapter 1: Introduction
According to the Office of the Children Registry (OCR) Child abuse is any act, or failure o act, on the part of a parent or caregiver, which results in death, serious physical or emotional harm, sexual abuse, or exploitation of a child. Any act, or failure to act, which presents an imminent risk of serious harm to achild also count as child abuse. While The Merriam Webster Dictionary define child abuse, as the infliction of physical,emotional mistreatment or injury on a child purposely or through negligence or neglect and often on a regular basis.
Child abuse may be classified into four (4) groups. Physical, Emotional, Sexual and Neglect.
Physical abuse is any act or failure to act that leads to the intentional, physical …show more content…

It includes exposing children to activities or experiences through which they maybe harmed emotionally such as negative criticisms, insults and other form of belittlement.
Sexual Abuse is engaging orenticing a child to engage inany form of sexual activity, with or without the child's knowledge or approval. it includes fondling, of the genital area, oral sex, vaginal or anal penetration by a finger, penis or other object. Exhibitionism (display of private areas), allowing children to look at or take part in the production of pornographic mnaterial and sexually suggestive behavior towards a child also classify as sexual …show more content…

(Urquiza A. J. and Winn C. Treatment For Abused And Neglected Children)

Statement of the problem
Child abuse and neglect is a devastaing social issue that is stealing our children childhood, wellness and health. The researcher will seek to identify the effects of child abuse and how to dectect if a child is being abused as well as how to prevent further abuse.
Purpose of the Study
The purpose of this research is to develop a guide that parents, caregivers, and the wider community may be able to understand child abuse and neglect. The researcher hopes to increase awareness of parents, caregivers and the wider community and how to better detect, protect and prevent child abuse as it relates to neglect. The researcher will be reviewing current research on child abuse neglect as well as conducting surveys. At Completion the researcher hopes to increase the knowledge and understanding of the