
Child Detective Services Allegation Report

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The Initial Process/ Assessment
Child protective services is a multifaceted system of assessments, investigations, and decisions. So, here is an overview of these services to readily understand how it is conducted from the New York City Administration for Children Services and Child Welfare Information Getaway. It discloses that these services are geared to prevent child abuse and neglect by providing aid or services. One form is foster care is a system aimed to give children a temporary living situation for families who are unable to take care of the child. But before this is determined there are vital steps to how children are entered into the system. The first step is an allegation report, from anyone such as “non-professional” (relatives, …show more content…

Then, ACS gets involved, a New York City private nonprofit organization which provides early care, education, juvenile justice, and child welfare to ensure the protection and promotes the well-being and safety of children and families, (NYC Administration for Children’s Services, 2017). It is where ACS then receives the allegation report. An allegation report entails the accusation of a family’s neglect or abuse of a child and all allegations reported from the SCR requires investigation by ACS. From there they conduct vital steps in deciphering whether the allegation is credible, like whether it is “screened out” (unfounded, insufficient evidence determines the case to become closed) or “screened in” (founded, meets the legal definition of neglect or abuse), (Child Welfare Information Getaway, 2013). Now when a report is “screened in” is it turned over to Child protective specialist (CPS), is a governmental agent apart of the Department of Social Services. Here, is where a child protective service specialist (or caseworker) investigate the ACS case (the allegation report) further, (NYC Administration for Children’s Services, 2017). This includes analyzing family’s history with ACS like contacting the reporter, and contacting the …show more content…

If abuse or neglect is detected. This concludes to what the NYC administration of Children Services call the three indicators: “immediate danger” (such as foster care placement), high-risk (voluntary like court-mandated services), and no- or low -risk (voluntary preventive services), (2017). Now is the solution planning the initial solution normally is to reunifying families of those who initially did not provide the security and basic needs of the child. So, CPS establishes a Child Safety Conference (CSC) where the family or whoever can support the accuser is offered services of including referrals for preventive services such as counseling, drug treatment, and training parent skill sets to becoming a parent advocate and discusses overall ways to keep the child out of harm and prevent them from being removed from the home, (NYC Administration of Children’s Service, 2017). Or a CPS or court orders to remove the child then the child will attend a temporary place that retains the basic care needed which can be a relative, foster home of a certified caregiver (foster parent), group homes or institutional facilities, independent living (for older teens), or an adoption agency

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