Child Labour Persuasive Essay

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You come home from school, you turn on the T.V., and sit down to relax; it’s a wonderful life...Children hate it when their parents ask them to do some simple chores. Instead of listening we shout and complain. While we are throwing our fit because we had to do a simple task, there are children in the world being forced to work. They are sweating and crying just because they don’t know if they will work hard enough each day to satisfy their family’s needs. The name of this torture is called child labor. When we buy products that are manufactured with the use of child labor we are supporting the abuse and torture of children. If we want to put a stop to this, we should stop buying these products. The most important reasons why these horrific actions should be stopped are that the work conditions are very dangerous and could cause serious injuries to the children, children do not have the time to get a real education, and children should not be worrying about their food, shelter, and the needs of their fellow people. …show more content…

The children occasionally have no choice, but to breathe in toxic air pollution. “At overseas factories that produce Nike shoes, the company said, it would tighten air-quality controls to insure that the air breathed by workers meets the same standards enforced by the United States Occupational Safety and Health Administration home” (“Nike Pledges to End Child Labor And Apply U.S. Rules Abroad” 5). Even if Nike is working to fix the air pollution problems, it still happened. Every minute that goes by when we are buying these products innocent children are suffering from no clean air to breathe in. Also stated in paragraph 5, “Footwear factories have heavier machinery and use more dangerous raw material.” It is clearly not safe for young children to be risking their lives working around this dangerous