Child Neglect And How It Affects The Relationship Between Romeo And Juliet

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EVIDENCE (LI & PC): Neglection is never suitable for a child growing up. Thomas D. Morton in Helpful voice in your ear: County program helps rebuild bridges between parents, children, shares the idea that “child neglect can lead to severe difficulties in sustaining interpersonal relationships and neglect is of several types such emotional aspect, inconsistent parenting behavior and depressed parents”(Morton).
EXPLANATION: To explain, when a child is neglected it can not only affect the child, but it can affect the relationship of their parents as well. For example, as parents drift away from their children and begin to focus on more important problems, their children may feel forgotten about. This can become an issue when parents want to talk …show more content…

He says, "Thursday is near; lay hand on heart, advise: An you be mine, I'll give you to my friend; An you be not, hang, beg, starve, die in the streets" (Shakespeare 3.5.192-195). Also in Act 3, Scene 3, Romeo seeks guidance and support from Friar Lawrence, who takes a neglectful approach by telling Romeo to "be patient" (Shakespeare 3.3.152) and "banished" (Shakespeare 3.3.154).
EXPLANATION: The examples of neglectful behavior in Romeo and Juliet's relationship with their parents show how the family dysfunction of neglect is present in both texts. The parents' failure to provide emotional support and guidance to their children leads to negative consequences for both Romeo and Juliet as we see later in the play.
SUBTOPIC Sentence (Speak) 2:We also can see how much the family dysfunction of neglect is present in Speak with Melinda and her parents. EVIDENCE (LI & PC): In Speak, we can see how much Melidna is ignored by her parents and have no clue what is going on in her life. Melinda says to herself, “I want to kill myself. No, that's not right. I want to die. There is a difference"

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