Child Trafficking In The Uk Essay

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The main objectives of this report are to critically evaluate the UK policy in relation to infant or child trafficking as a result of globalisation within the UK. In addition, the policy will be evaluated in the sense of a social group which will be children, in that, if the UK policy or policies are meeting their needs. However, the debate of globalisation in the past is ongoing with various theorists such as the perspectives of the transformationalist, the optimist and the sceptics. This report will give evidence of the views of the transformationalist with regard to globalisation. Also, globalisation has both negative and positive aspects, therefore, the report will identify the implications of globalisation on the lives of the social group. The trafficking of children is the trade of children which is characterised by transporting, recruitment, housing and transferring of person by various methods which involves resorting to force or any types of restraints through fraud, kidnapping, deceit …show more content…

It is a significant public health issue as well as human rights violation that is affecting millions of children globally, which is believed to serve as transit and destination, places of origin of children who are trafficked (Ottisova, 2015). Furthermore, Busutill (2018) suggest that child trafficking happen for a number of reasons such as lack of education, poverty due to poor family background, humanitarian crisis which is the cause of natural disasters. According to the United Nations on Drugs and Crime (2018), child trafficking is a global problem which is one of the most world shameful crime, which affects the lives of millions of children around the world and robbed them of their dignity. It is estimated that 5.5 million children are trafficked globally in situations of forced labour (Ottisova,

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