Childhood Obesity Prevention Practice Essay

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We are living in a time in which we are affected by an increase of health problems. One of them is obesity, a disorder involving excessive body fat that increases the risk of health problems. Obesity is a widespread health issue that affects everyone, old, young, rich, and the poor. Obesity is a growing health issue and as nurses it is our responsibility to assess, teach, and promote a healthy lifestyle. In the article by Susan B. Quelly, “Characteristics Associated with School Nurse Childhood Obesity Prevention Practices” she states that school nurses can actively participate in the prevention of childhood obesity by ensuring that schools allow their involvement. School nurses along with teachers and staff can all contribute as a team to prevent the rise of childhood obesity. The goal of Susan B. Quelly through this article is to find out how knowledgeable nurses are based on their level of education and work experience to be able to promote childhood obesity prevention(COP) policies on school campuses.
Childhood obesity has become a serious issue as more children are diagnosed with comorbidities such as diabetes mellitus, a high blood pressure, and depression. Children spend …show more content…

They can also start out by doing physical assessments on children with an increased risk of obesity, which, “may include providing counseling for a child’s weight concern, checking the blood pressure and tracking the body mass index (BMI) of an obese child, and recommending weight loss treatment for a child” (Quelly, p.194). Although, it can be difficult to spend time assessing and planning nursing interventions for students due to the ratio of students to nurse, it is not impossible. Organizing events in which nurses can teach parents about obesity, healthier food options for their children, and exercise