Children Should Not Be Allowed In Sports

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Does handing out sport participation trophy to children corrupt their thoughts and dreams, or is it bring joy to these young athletes? It may not seem like a big deal, but the debate of whether or not kids should be given trophies for participation is on an uprise for parents of these children. Lately these simple pieces of metal has thought harm children’s hope, or on the other hand provide joy and benefit the kids. These types of rewards has thought to bring happiness and still should be thought of in that way, and also be seen as a way to help the kids to have fun in the sport they play. The trophies should not be perceived as a thing that is made to tamper the young athletes’ dreams in a harmful way. With these trophies for be apart of …show more content…

That these awards are giving out false hope to children, that saying they are wonderful at the sport when they are not is wrong to do. Those parents who believe in this concept, also feel that it is forcing children to feel they are at the same level as others or that the kids will not push farther because they have satisfaction for receiving an award. Former NFl quarterback Kurt Warner, once said, “They don’t let kids pass classes 4 showing up” ( qtd in Wallece). This quote talks and claims kids do not pass classes if the just show up, but how true is this statement? Yes if a kid just sits there they will not pass, but even if the kid shows effort or improvement they will probably pass the class, and just like sports most kids will try during the game, which will earn them trophy. Other problem with this side of the debate is it believes participation trophies will not push the young athletes to become better, but the truth is the contrary of that belief, the truth is the trophies will cause kids to become better. As children see everyone is receiving the same treatment, they will desire to push kids to push further in the game, so they will be able to receive more awards for their efforts. Another flaw in the idea of not handing out participation trophies is kids will feel that they are not good at the sport causing them to quit, …show more content…

It is both of these things. Due to participation trophies being awarded to the young athletes, it helps motivate them to become a better player, but it also aids in keeping memories for the children. Without these simple pieces of metal the kids would be unable to have these things to hold on to. With this debate between people, society should accept these types of trophies, and if society does people could see the benefits it provides the children playing