China And Rome Dbq Essay

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In the First Millennium, the Ancient Civilizations of Han and Rome societies had clear appreciation for the technological advancement though the Roman concentrated on the mathematical and scientific advancements, while looking down upon the laboring tools invented to increase agricultural efficiency that were appreciated by the Hans. Roman concentrated intently on mathematical and scientific advancements after they increase their slave labor which the Roman cared little about. However, Han highly prized agricultural tool for it efficiency and its ability increase production. An additional document from a laborer’s point of view would be helpful in some way that would be helpful on the accounts of the Han or Romans, because every …show more content…

Han’s seemed to feel that technology was about helping the civilians. Document 2, though a request to allow for personal manufacturing of tools, shows how these are the workers. The obvious concern shown by Huan Guan demonstrates a concern for the civilians or their property giving its impression that technology were important to the Chinese where he writes about the problems the lack of technology had brought upon them and how the tools are poor quality and inefficient. Han technologies were invented to be useful. Technology is essential part of pleasant production and needs government intervention or support. Document 2 is written with bias perspective towards the workers mentioned in the document. This is evident by comparison of tools, as well as the appeal that the author tries to gain for the workers in the pity-toned closing statement of the document. Document 4 clearly states that the agricultural technological advancement made by Tu Shih was appreciated by the laborers, providing for more leisure time as well as higher yields. The author is clearly self-glorifying and that technology is a “gift” from an enlighten leadership. Document 4 can also be viewed as having a slight bias, however, in contrast to Document 2; its bias is toward the government, namely the governor Tu Shih. This bias is evident because the source is …show more content…

It shows that the technology is necessary but not enlightened. Document 5 described skilled work as more virtuous than labor, which shows the importance of intellectual studies during the Roman Empire. This shows no respect toward any invention they may invent; the Roman upper-class would not care. Document 7 also describes the craft-oriented occupations as those of lesser intelligence and importance. This document also questions the intelligence level of the inventor of tools which promotes such craft. The Roman views technology as if it doesn’t directly benefit the upper-class it doesn’t matter to them which explain the lacks of great inventions. The technological advancements in Document 8 in the fields of architecture of aqueducts and chemistry of sediment concentrations, clearly states its superiority to the monuments of craft made by the Egyptians or Greeks. The fact that the Egyptian, for they did not get along well. Furthermore, the description of the works of the others as idle or useless shows bias towards the Romans. This does question if the aqueducts are truly as magnificent as the author describes since if he could lose his job if he said that the aqueducts were of poor quality which is best