Chivalry And Froissart's History

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Chivalry as a concept is something that has baffled many medieval historians over the years. Chivalry was supposing a code that knights and nobles were to live their lives by however, like many social structures of the past historians have debated over what exactly chivalry was. According to Sir Walter Scott chivalry was meant to be a code which knights could aspire to not necessarily carry out. His description does seem to be accurate. Chivalric principles could not be carried out in real life. Froissart’s image of The Hundred Years War is romanticized in such a way that the historian must be careful not to take a lot of the text too seriously, however; we should forgive Froissart for this as compared to modern standards his accuracy simply falls short simply given the time he lived in. His accounts often came from supposed eyewitnesses that would of course have manipulated their accounts to suit themselves. Therefore, when reading Froissart’s Chronicles and concluding whether or not his accounts are accurate, one must take caution and remember the purpose of his writings and who he is working for when completing them. Froissart’s intentions are quite obvious from the beginning of the text. He claims to be writing his chronicles so that ‘brave men should be inspired’ to follow and be inspired to partake in warfare themselves. Going by such an introduction it is possible that Froissart was not even