Another incident that occurred that involved the police shooting an innocent child when one officer, followed by others started pursuing Chris Few’s. Inside of the car was Chris Few and his 6 year old son, Jeremy Mardis. The police officers that followed the main police officer leading that chase, to this day, are still unsure as to why they were pursuing Chris Few. One even stated that he did not pull his firearm out because he did not feel threatened by Few. It even shows in police surveillance videos that the suspect was unarmed with his hands raised in the air, showing that he did not have a firearm. However, that did not stop the two police officers from opening fire onto his vehicle causing Few to be severly wounded and his son, Mardis, to be shot dead. …show more content…
What is even worse is that due to the ignorance of the police officers that decided to open fire on the vehicle, an innocent 6 year old child was left dead. Due to the lack of sufficient cause as to why the officer pursued this man, they were charged with second degree murder and attempt of murder. I am honestly shocked that they were charged due to the fact that there have been multiple incidents where innocent people were killed by the police officers and the officer’s charges were either dropped or they were not charged at all. It is a proven fact that out of in the majority of cases that involved a police officer killing another individual, the person that was killed was not armed. This means that they did not have proper reason to pull out their firearms and use them because they were not put in a life or death situation. Even if the person was armed, the police are trained to take them down but what they are not trained to do is shoot to kill and that is what they have been