
Write An Essay On Officer Involved Shootings

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After successfully reading the “officer-involved shootings” there are some opinions I have about some of the police situations. The situations the police have been in are dangerous and could be deadly at some time. They could also be safe and not deadly.
Some of the facts that they gave us are still unknown but they are working on finding them out. They are providing the best knowledge they can give us so that we can make the law enforcement better than it is now.

The April 5, 1970 gunfight that left four CHP officers dead in Newhall, California, is a devastating act. Although I think that it brought a lot of new officers that were in training to attention and was a good opportunity. It did shock the law enforcement establishment but it became a good film for new recruits for many years that came. The new recruits would be able to have the experience of a real …show more content…

So the assailant must fire their guns in order for there to be a gunfight to actually occur. The early data supplied by SOP-9 (a formal firearms discharge report) didn’t clearly differentiate hit probability in firearms “incidents” from those in actual gunfight. A firearms discharge “incidents” could include officer suicide. I honestly don’t think we want our officers killing themselves; we need more officers to protect us from what we have encountered in this new era of time we live in.

The initial batch of LAC (Los Angeles County) data was culled from 148 shootings, in which 438 officers actively participated as shooters. If the police see that you have a gun, they have the right to tell you to put it on the ground. If they start to shoot at the police, then they have every right to fire back at you. That is a form of self-defense and safety for other people in the area. The police have to protect the people in the area. They are good at protecting people so I would trust them on doing their job as a law enforcement

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