Chris Mccandless Death In Into The Wild, By Jon Krakauer

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Chapter 18 recorded the final days of Chris’s life, in which he died of starvation and poisoning on August 18th. I chose this quote in an attempt to capture some of Mccandless’s last moments, and to provide the readers with some sketchy clues to whether or not Chris has planned his final fate. In the picture which Chris took when he was at the brink of starvation, his expressions was not solace, nor troubled, nor filled with despair, but he was smiling, as described by Jon Krakauer “serene as a monk gone to God” this cannot help but lead us to the speculation which Chris has made at least some preparations in the chance of him expiring in the harshness of the wilderness. Or, in other words, he welcomed death as an old friend. He did not lament over his early demise, nor exhibit yearnings for the company of …show more content…

It might be, to a well educated and adventurous young man like Chris, death in his eyes might only meant another great adventure, or a final escape from the treacherous civilization. We’ll never know, but we do know one thing, Chris died, and he died peacefully, as a monk gone to god.

The epilogue contained a brief moment where Chris’s parents visited the bus of which Chris perished. I chose this quote because it best represents one of the many sufferings Chris has brought to his family. “Hero or a Fool?” the never ending question. After finishing the book, I have immediately casted my final verdict of Chris Mccandless as an arrogant, stubborn, downright fool!. “Many people have told me that they admire Chris for what he was trying to do.” said Walt, “if he’d lived, i would agree with them.” Walt continued. I would not have agreed with them even if Chris made it out of the wild alive. He was the fool straight from the beginning, where he viewed his family as controlling hypocrites and chose to have his revenge by disappearing, chasing after some utopian fantasy of the wilderness and nature while