Christian Approaches To Solving Marital Conflicts

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There are several approaches used in therapy to resolve marital conflicts. This paper will focus on the Christian aspects of the conflicts in marriage as well as in different families and ethnic background. Every ethnic family handles marital problems in a different manner.
The main ideas argued about marriage conflicts and family therapy are 1) Solution Focused Brief Therapy. The couples create their solution to their problems but never apply the solution. 2) Behavior Couple Theory, the conflict is the result of communication. 3) Integrated Marital Therapy, help the couples create and exchange positive actions in place of adverse action to build relationship behavior. 4) Emotional Focused Marital Therapy. This marital conflict is when the couple past childhood issues spilled over into their marriage causing conflict. 5) Contextual Family Therapy. The couple understanding each other's emotions that violated their love and trust for one another. …show more content…

It is not the frequency or intensity of marital conflict that measures relational maturity. It is the time required for a couple to resolve their differences, attend to each other's needs, and return to a state of equilibrium." (366) The Bible says in Phillippians 4:6, "Do not be anxious about anything." Sometimes a couple needs to get alone and think without making quick, drastic decisions. Some conflicts can resolve through communication and understanding. The Bible also says in Ephesians 4:26-27, "In your anger do not sin: Do not let the sun go down while you are still angry, and do not give the devil a foothold." A person does not know what tomorrow holds, so words and certain deeds should not be exchanged/done and regretted later. Because Satan causes the couples to use the anger against each other to bring on