
Criminal Profiling Paul Bernardo Essay

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Criminal Profiling
Paul Bernardo was born in Scarborough (in Ontario Canada) in 1964. He was the youngest of three kids. His father was charged with a life sentence for peeping and pedophilia and was abusive to the family as well as molesting Paul's sister. His mom was depressed and eventually moved into the basement. Paul as a kid seemed unaware of his broken family and was reported as a happy child, but also had an irresistible urge to start fires while he was a Boy Scout at ten years old.
In 1981, at age sixteen Paul had two major issues happen. He was told that his “father” wasn't his biological father and that he happened as a result of a sex between his mom and her previous relationship. Paul started to call his mom a slut and a whore …show more content…

In May 1987, Paul raped two women and attempted one more rape in July. In October, Paul met Karla in a hotel (he was 23 she was 17). They had an instant attraction and had sex that same night in the hotel. After that he drove to see Karla twice a week and started to control how her life went (dressing, style, eating, beliefs, etc.) He was very degrading calling her fat and ugly and unlike the past girlfriends Karla allowed and encouraged the sexual craziness that Paul acted out. When Paul found out that Karla wasn't a virgin when they first had sex it made Paul extremely angry. Paul started raping again in December and by March of 1988 the police began looking for what they called the “Scarborough Rapist”. The investigation that they had didn't go anywhere even though there was a large amount of physical evidence and a sketch that wasn't shown to the public. Karla knew that Paul was raping and torturing these girl and there were claims from a victim that Karla was there when she was attacked and was recording it all but the claim was ignored. May 1990, the police showed the sketch to the public. Paul quit his job and got money by taking cigarettes across the U.S. to Canada border. Friends and past girlfriends saw the sketch and tried to contact the police but they were too overwhelmed to focus on that. Detectives came and took blood, saliva, and hair samples from Paul but they wouldn't be tested for another two years. As 1990 went on Paul got obsessed with Tammy Homolka (15 years old) who was Karlas younger sister. He would spy on her and had a plan to rape her with Karla’s help, who made sure that Tammy remained a virgin until he raped her. He first tried to rape her during a summer trip, on July 24. Karla laced her sister's dinner with Valium stolen from where she worked. Tammy woke up before Paul could rape her. The second time happened on December 23, after a Christmas dinner in their house. Karla said it was

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