Christian Beliefs On The Differences Between Evil And Suffering

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The word Evil
Some non-religious believers avoid the word evil because they subordinate with some kind of religious text and punishments. People accept that it is derived from the word devil. Although evil can be also be called as a natural events that cause great suffering for mankind. No human could accept model of evil as a paranormal force, or as something caused by demons, people who peruse to live good lives without religion beliefs, think that we should understand what makes people to do evil actions and cause suffering to others . Sometimes experience is worthless sufferings for example death of a child or living over a war which does nothing which cause religious people to lose their belief.
Human deals with evil and suffering
Humans don’t believe that suffering is punishment because they think that there is no god who can punish us. They also don’t believe in afterlife where sinful will be punished and good people will be rewarded. Evil and suffering may …show more content…

They Many Christians believe that only God knows the answer to this problem. They follow the example of Jesus Christ who reveal that God wants to protect us against evil and sufferings. Praying is the only key to that make direct contact with God and prayer for those who are suffering

• Many Christians believe that God have made human and this means he shaped them with free will so they are free to choose good and bad path. Humans have choose evil and they will suffer in their lives so evil and suffering is the mistake of human not God

• There are some Christians believe that life of human is a sort of test in which people have to prepare our souls for heaven. If there is no evil and suffering they will not be able to improve as good or bad people because being good includes helping for others who are suffering from evil.