Christian Faith Research Paper

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“One of the most widely known symbols of the Christian faith is the cross. It is a figure formed by two intersecting lines. In this version (the Latin, or Roman Catholic cross) the vertical line is longer than the horizontal line” (McClymond, 102). The horizontal line is placed slightly higher than the center of vertical.

Individuals within the San Antonio community revere the cross in the same way as most others around and abroad do. Jesus’ crucifixion on the cross makes the object a stark reminder of the reason he died and the burden he carried with him. The Bible itself even claims “but God shows his love for us in that while we were still sinners, Christ died for us” (Romans, 5.8). Those of faith understand the implications of his death …show more content…

Fashion and faith can go hand and hand with the plentiful cross as it is produced on a mass scale for the public consumer. To wear the cross is to be with your faith always. Similarly to live with the cross upon the wall is to live with a blessed home always. Based on our understanding of the cross and its necessary theological significance we can conclude that this is accurate and indeed the case with cross owners of …show more content…

How does the community in its entirety use the cross and connect to the sacred notions of the Christian faith? This can be illustrated by a number of ways, but one that is most notable is through the founding and construction of some religious institutions along with its architecture. St. Helena’s church in our very own San Antonio utilizes architecture in a very monumental way by displaying a large cross near their entrance as a clear testament to their worship. As all churches are, we know the creation of such an institution and its monuments are the result of selfless donations from the community that surrounds it. It is with this that we know the individuals within the community are thereby intertwined with their shared common goal to connect to Jesus and his struggle. Why erect monuments to attest the level of your belief? Why wear the cross, or hang it in your home? This is how devout followers of the Christian faith connect to said faith. By keeping the cross near, visible, and glorious, the evangelical San Antonio resident will always feel near Jesus, God, and divinity