
Christian Science Observation

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For this excursion I experienced the local and historic Christian Science Society in Steamboat Springs, Colorado. This society was created on July 22, 1908, by local Christian Scientists; some of which included the town founders, James and Margaret Crawford. After using a variety of meeting locations, the building which is still used today was built in 1934 of logs on a rubble rock foundation. Yet, the regulations of the Christian Science churches and societies entail that none can be officially dedicated until they are free of debt and therefore the Steamboat Springs society was dedicated the following year on December 15, 1935.

When I entered the church I didn't have the slightest idea of what it meant to practice Christian Science or …show more content…

Some of the religious aspects that involved in their practice include many of the same traits that make them Christian, such as the regular use of a church and the influence of the Bible. Although, Christian Science has no ministers, pastors or preachers, but rather using the Bible and Science and Health in lieu of. This untraditional method of practice is accomplished by Bible lessons daily and a Bible read aloud on Sunday by two elected members of each local congregation. Also the Christian Science churches hold weekly testimonial meetings, at which members are able to relate experiences of healing and regeneration. Religion is classified as “the belief in and worship of a superhuman controlling power, especially a personal God or gods; a particular system of faith and worship; and a pursuit or interest to which someone ascribes supreme importance.” With all the “standard” teachings that Christian Science offers, this group often falls into the religious category without second …show more content…

This impactful understanding entails that one can never be separated from God and God’s love, no matter the wrongdoing. Along with this concept, each member's use of prayer is one of a kind, being individually based on the personal intimate relationship shared with God. With these adaptive practices, Christian Science is able to bring healing anyone in need and open to the experience; whether this healing involves one’s physical health, emotional well-being and even one’s community or the world at large. After continuing my research after my visit their website summarized this by claiming, “Through Christian Science, millions have learned that no problem is too big or too small—for God. There are no rituals, formulas, or incantations in Christian Science prayer.” Even though a short statement, I feel is compiles the beliefs and values briefly quite

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