
Christianity And Islam Essay

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Christianity and Islam as religious traditions respond to issues of violence, social justice and conflict by following principal teachings of peace. Through influencing distinct responses, principal teachings on peace, found in sacred texts, assist followers in achieving inner and world peace.

The bible describes principal teachings which result in Christians responding with peace. The Golden Rule, ‘do unto others as you have done unto you,’ demonstrates to be treated with peace, one should act with peace and treat others equally as Christians are made in the image of God. Furthermore, the principal teaching to live peacefully to ultimately gain peace in Heaven is expressed in Corinthians, ‘live in peace and the God of love and peace will be with you.’ The bible also describes how Jesus as a role model for peace can influence adherents of Christianity.

Jesus had a distinct response to the principle teachings …show more content…

Peace is a central teaching of Islam with Muslims being encouraged to follow paths of peace to live in submission to Allah. Paths of peace describe reconciliation as a fundamental stance, as Allah, ‘Guides them to the paths of peace, leads them out of darkness into the light by His leave, and guides them in a straight path.’ Another principal teaching of peace is Jihad which mainly refers to the struggles of overcoming obstacles to submit to Allah. Muslims respond to Jihad by upholding principles of justice and rejecting violence in ‘word, thought and actions.’ Furthermore, the principal teaching of considering the needs of others is expressed in the Hadith, ‘none of you truly believes until he wishes for his brother what he wishes for himself.’ Responding with consideration towards others assists Muslims in being faithful to Allah and attaining peace. Muslims providing assistance to those in need through Zakat, demonstrate their response to principal teachings on

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