Christianity And Religion Essay

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Christianity has become a target of mockery in today’s society. We see this on the television, the internet, and in our own towns and cities. In most cases, one cannot go throughout a whole day around other people without hearing someone use Jesus’ name or God’s name in vain. On websites such as Facebook, it is common to see people refer to Christians by vulgar names for a cheap laugh. But, there is an even more sinister problem: the religious adherents themselves mocking Christianity. So, what does this mean? We refer to those who treat Christianity as a rotary club or an elk’s lodge. Such people do not participate nor adhere to the faith in their daily lives, but when the appointed meeting times arrive, they will occupy a seat. Now, why is this an issue? Because it flies in the face of all that Christianity is. Christ and His church are not a laughing matter, yet by treating it like a social club, it becomes one. We will soon see that Christianity requires far more than occupying a seat. First, we note that Christianity requires commitment. In the New Testament, those who do not commit themselves to Christ are warned and reproved. The words of Jesus tell us this. He told His disciples that all who desire to follow Him must deny themselves, take up their crosses daily, and follow Him (Luke 9:23). It sounds like Jesus requires more than …show more content…

We sometimes sing a song entitled “Just as I Am.” It is often used as an invitation song, and it is certainly a truthful one. But, does Jesus allow us to stay as we are? Jesus never says that we can remain the same person after coming to Him; He expects us to be transformed by His word. Paul, in his letter to the Romans, tells the Romans to be “transformed” by the renewing of the mind (Rom. 12:1-2). The basic idea is that Christ must change our minds and hearts. If we are not actively shaping ourselves after His image, we cannot suggest that we are obeying