Christianity, Judaism: Similarities And Differences

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Islam, Christianity, and Judaism Similarities and Differences
Islam, Christianity, and Judaism are considered the three Abrahamic religions; they share a central theme, the belief in only one God who is the creator of the universe. They each recognize many of the same biblical prophets and their origins can all be traced back to Southwest Asia. The world’s oldest major religion and the first to teach monotheism, Judaism believes God is image-less and universal. For Christians, the concept of God is the Trinity, the Father, Son, and the Holy Spirit. Similar to Judaism and Christianity, the Islamic basic tenets involve the creation of the universe, the afterlife, and the belief that humans are the supreme creation of God. The concept of God in …show more content…

One of most important Muslim teachings is the first pillar of Islam, the oneness with Allah who is imageless and unknowable. There is no attempt for Muslims to equate the Qur’an with, or know the nature of God. Judaism teaches of the agreement or covenant between Yahweh and Hebrews, promising blessing in exchange for good behavior. Hebrews believe they are the chosen ones, bound by the faith of the covenant which is an agreement between God and his people. Central to the Christian belief is that God is simultaneously three entities and one single entity, and Jesus is God as well although the belief in only one God. Differing from Islamic and Judaic philosophy regarded as ethical monotheism, Christians accept that God is represented by a Trinity. Unique to Christianity, influenced by Paganism, central to early Christian’s concept of God is the resurrection, or the death and rebirth of …show more content…

Architecture serves religious purposes but Muslims associate their art with the life of Muhammad and the teachings of the Qur’an and mosques were built out of necessity. All mosques are oriented toward Mecca which is the direction Muslims face to pray. Hebrews built great synagogues although very few since they were a minority who could not a national identity and did not have resources for building and land (“Khan Academy”). Christians were averse to art however they realized that art could help teach the Christian tenets to the illiterate so it became important. Basilicas embellished with mosaics and paintings modeled after Roman churches were built; the reward of prayer and the mercy of God adorn the massive interior walls. The interiors depicted the story of Christian Bible. Muslim mosques especially, and Christian churches are believed to be some of the most exquisite architecture in the world. The art produced in all three religions uniquely reflects the social trends and basic beliefs of each