Christopher Columbus Research Papers

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When people in the 21st century want to travel, we usually look up our destination prior to our trip. Before the use of smartphones and computers, traveling was not done with a digital global positioning system (GPS). So during the Age of Exploration when countries all around the world wanted to explore places they had never seen before, maps became of the utter most importance. People were trying to quickly learn how to be a mapmaker because of the high demand for these surveys by explorers and their patrons. These demands made maps very popular which lead them to become common everyday objects, along with being beautiful artwork. Most think Christopher Columbus was the person who disproved the theory of the world being flat, but there was many way before his time to figure out the same idea. The first world map was made in Greece in the 6th century B.C. by a man named Anaximander. His map obviously was not close to correct, as it only included three countries and continents: Europe, Libya, and Asia. However, there was one thing he got right, and that was that the Earth we live on is round, not flat. Many maps after Anaximander were adding on to the Greek mans work. There have been many recreations and alterations to his famous first map, but none of them were close to correct until after …show more content…

Cosa was a sailor around the time of 1500 A.D., and he draw the first map that showed the Americas since Columbus’ first voyages to the west. This first map sent everyone into a frenzy, and new world maps including the now known “West World”. After this, maps become more and more correct as more people explored new places all around our world. Everyone wanted a map, even if they were not going to travel to these places. They all wanted these surveys because it almost opens up parts of the world right in front of your eyes, without you having to get one a ship and go to one of these far away