Ap Human Geography Chapter 1 Study Guide

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Acculturation- two different group join, while maintain distinct culture feature
Assimilation- two different group join, one change to resemble dominant group
Behavioral Geography- study of human behavior
Cartography- science of making map
Citizen Science- research by amateur scientist
Concentration- spread of something over a given area
Connection- relationship between people and object across barrier of distance
Contagious Diffusion- widespread diffusion of trend throughout a population
Cultural Ecology- A geographic approach that emphasize relationship among social and physical phenomenon in a study area
Culture- body of beliefs, social forms, and material traits that constitute group distinct tradition
Density- how frequent the observed …show more content…

Geotagging- identify and storage of information by its latitude and longitude coordinates
Greenwich Mean Time (GMT)- time zone where the prime meridian located at 0 longitude
Hearth- region where innovative idea originate
Hierarchical Diffusion- spread of trend through top down system to people or places
Humanistic Geography- study of different ways individuals from ideas and give places symbolic meaning
Hydrosphere- all water on or near earth surface
International Date Line- arc that follow 180 longitudes to determine the date
Latitude- lines go north to south
Location- position of anything on earth surface
Mashup- map overlay data on top of another map
Mental map- the individual knowledge about a location
Meridian- arc on map between south and north pole
Participatory GIS (PGIS)- community based mapping, representing local knowledge and …show more content…

Formal Region- where everyone shares one or more distinctive character
2. Functional Region- organized around a point
3. Vernacular Region- area where exist part of their cultural identity

1. to care about
2. to take care of

1. to care about
There are three concepts to this
Language, religion, and ethnicity derive from these concepts
Language is a system of signs, sounds, gestures, and marks that have meaning within that group
Religion is an important value because it is the system of attitudes, beliefs, and practices through which people follow
Ethnicity- encompass the language, religion, cultural values and physical appearance

2. take care of the production of material wealth
1. food
2. clothing
3. shelter is critical to culture all people consume food, wear clothes, etc. but obtain their wealth in different ways we divide the world into
1. developed countries
2. developing countries the factors into the groups are
1. per capita income
2. level of education
3. life expectancy possession of wealth and goods is higher in developed countries then in the latter group because the different economic activities
1. developing countries are based on