Church & Dwight have a large group of companies that they have acquired through the years, yet consumers have no idea who Church & Dwight are when they are using the product. Church & Dwight need a better marketing plan; a plan that shows the consumers they own the brand that the consumer loves so dearly. The company needs to implement advertisements to inform a consumer of who they are. With the competition rising in the domestic household products brand, it is a necessity that Church & Dwight educate their consumers on who they are. A rebranding or a mass advertisements would be the best way to expand the knowledge of this company. Without this, Church & Dwight will lose customers to competition and the company has been around
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In order for Church & Dwight to launch a joint venture successfully and in the most cost efficient way, Church & Dwight would need to plan ahead and then the company would need to execute the plans that they have. A critical piece to the joint venture puzzle would be to plan and execute. Planning could take a year or two. A year or two is fine for this company to successfully raise, plan, and execute a joint venture alliance with a company that could take them to the next level of international presence. When Church & Dwight execute their plans to join another company they will have the resources to successfully launch a new company. The people who would be in charge of the planning phase would be the employees that work closest with the overall well-being of the company; these employees would be the CEO, the COO, and the CFO. No one knows the ins and outs of Church & Dwight like the executive managers do and these people would be in charge of heading up the planning team and heading up the execution team. Creativity would be the absolute key in completing a well-rounded …show more content…
Church & Dwight is a company that has laid a handprint on the lives of many consumers; whether the consumer knows Church & Dwight or not. Church & Dwight has successfully made a product that consumer love and trust and the company continues to acquire brands that consumers trust. No matter the short comings of the company, Church & Dwight have made name for their brand ARM & HAMMER and they have successfully grown their business through the decades. Though this essay was an analysis of the company, something should be said for the resilience and growing power of Church &