Cicero's Orations Of The Veerrines And In Catilinam

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Walter Spencer, an eminent classics professor at the University of Illinois, examines the use of conspiracy rhetoric in Cicero’s orations of the Verrines and In Catilinam. To portray Verres and his sociatas as a group of conspirators, Cicero separates Verres from the Roman republic by emphasizing his repeated repudiation of Roman authority, customs, and laws. Additionally, Cicero characterizes Verres’ comrades as criminal conspirators through the word choice manus and by describing their subversion of the republic. Spencer notes that Cicero convinces the jury that a vote for acquittal would facilitate the conspiracy. Cicero employs pathos to present Verres as a heinous menace to the Roman people. Furthermore, just as in In Catilinam, Cicero