Cindy Jackson Case Study

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Self-concept is the set of beliefs and perceptions regarding oneself. The creation of self-concept is fundamental to the psychological development of a child (Myers, 2010). From her website, Cindy Jackson uses such characteristics, as hair color, body weight, skin color, and figure her social self and self-concept. Growing up, Jackson suffered from low self-esteem, which made her feel as though she was unattractive, especially when a young boy approached her and criticized her smile, which adversely affected her self-esteem and self-concept. She also had issues with self-presentation as she was growing up, which later changed when she started doing well in business as a result of the surgeries and cosmetics, thus improving her social self (Jackson, …show more content…

There is evidence of a positive correlation between physical attractiveness and attributes, such as personal income, self-confidence, and social skills, which makes them get preferential treatment (Myers, 2010).
Jackson, in her website interviews, explains that her life has changed a great deal since she had the surgeries as she gets more male attention. She says that men find her more physically attractive and desirable compared to the time before the surgeries. Her popularity sprang from the surgeries thus occasioning success, happiness, and fame, leading her to see her life as more valuable than her teenage years (Jackson, n.d.).
The Mass Media Influence Cindy Jackson’s Life World
The mass media influences Jackson’s life-world through Barbie, the best-selling toy. The Barbie doll is portrayed as having the super-thin ideal figure of a beautiful person, thus giving children a different impression of beauty as they grow up. Therefore, the media influences Jackson into living the life of the ideal beauty, which inspires her to chase after such ideals even if it destroys her psychologically, physically, or mentally in the end. Consequently, the influence of the Barbie doll and medial seems to have influenced Jackson’s life to a great