Circleville Argument Analysis

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I strategically used a poll to survey the opinions of three citizens with varying relations to receive a small representative sample. I attempted to contact others, who did not reply back to my questions. I also worded my questions purposefully in order to create a positive connotation to having a city pool, and proposed the idea of placing a new pool by the Pickaway County YMCA as a possible idea, which I will further explain in my resolution. A social desirability bias was prevented, because all three of my interviews were in private, without letting either of the other participants know what results I had previously concluded. When I asked my three participants about the benefits of having a city pool in Circleville, I was given three similar …show more content…

While these two articles did focus very much on the skatepark, the pool was not forgotten to be mentioned. To me, it was shown that the pool is a significant staple in the community. On September 2nd, the Herald ran an article called “Local residents rally to retain portions of Ted Lewis Park”. In this article, a man by the name of Kevin Teets was contacted by two citizens of Circleville to raise awareness about the park’s future. Kevin is now a professional BMX rider, who grew up in Circleville and often went to the park. These three people held a teen event to gather support for saving the park, and for more people to attend the town meeting that would follow nine days later. In a way, the three leaders were beginning a social movement. They were raising awareness for personal beliefs, and encouraged support for their cause. Researching this event, I noticed that citizens of Circleville were able to practice their rights of the First Amendment. A group of citizens assembled together, to use their freedom of speech, to voice their unhappiness with the city’s propositions. The event’s leaders also used freedom of speech by encouraging attendees to listen to the approaching town meeting. Following this article was another piece printed two days after The Circleville Long Range and Strategic Planning Committee discussed again the park’s future. Here, chairman Mike Logan proposed that the city pool should be moved to where the old Circleville middle school was located. Logan brought up the points that parking would be available, and there would be room to develop the pool. He also made it clear that he was a supporter of keeping a city pool in Circleville, and would fund its creation to the best of his ability. The Herald also printed that, “There were 20 to 30 people in attendance with many speaking in favor of keeping the skate park in the