City Park Nine Case Study

760 Words4 Pages

Executive Summary:

The purpose of this report is to determine if it is feasible to build a back nine onto City Park Nine Golf Club in Fort Collins for the use of CSU students and the public. Currently City Park Nine is only a nine-hole golf club less than two miles, North West of Colorado State University’s Campus. With City Park Nine being in such a great location in Fort Collins, expanding the course would make such a big impact on Fort Collins. Building off of this course will make it more know which will bring in more public and more revenue in the long run. Plus, it would be a great aspect to Fort Collins to have another beautiful course to play on.

The following proposal will provide information regarding the requirements for the report, an explanation of it, and the benefits that will come out of it. The architect information, site selection, land planning, financing, …show more content…

Current City Park Nine Details:
Currently City Park Nine as of today was constructed in 1940 with a pro shop of 1500 square feet, driving range with 21 tee stations, and a par 36 for nine hole round. The architect choen to construct this course was an architect part of Fort Collins Golf Association accorfing to Golf Digest.

Land Entitlements: Before a project can move forward, permission must be granted from the community and pertinent regulatory agencies. Being prepared is essential at this point, as there will assuredly be a lot of questions from citizens, city planners and government leaders. If answers to these questions cannot be provided, there will likely be problems receiving the necessary vote of confidence to proceed. Because the plan is to build off of City Park Nine, the land is already in place which saves a lot of money and planning for the City of Fort

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