Civil Liberties: Negative Impression Of Individual Liberty

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Civil liberties are a negative impression of individual liberty. They guarantee basic rights and freedoms to the American people by restricting the government’s power, which is identified within the Bill of Rights and the Constitution. For example, by guaranteeing American citizens the right to practice their choice of religion. This is found within the First Amendment of the Bill of rights. By guaranteeing American citizens this freedom, it allows Americans to have liberty from the government’s actions, which prevents government authorities to interfere with citizen’s choice of religion. The Bill of Rights is the key source of civil liberties providing individuals the freedom of expression, the right to bear arms, protection against unreasonable …show more content…

Civil rights are considered to be the positive features in which the government should take into action to create an equality among all American citizens. The civil rights are usually associated with the protection of African Americans, Hispanics, women, and other minority groups. Civil rights are basically legal claims that are provided within the legislation instead of the Constitution, usually to equal treatment rather than the freedom. Civil rights legal claims can also contradict other individuals or organizations, instead of the government. The legal claims provided within the legislation may consist of racial, religious, ethnic, and gender discrimination within an education, employment, voting, public accommodations, and other locations. Many of the civil right movements which have encouraged equality amongst the various minority groups where mainly during the 19th and 20th century. The civil rights key objective is to promote equality throughout America, such as by using the government’s power to limit the individual freedom from discrimination. Debates throughout history consisted between the reconstruction over the meaning of civil rights and civil …show more content…

Jim Crow was the primary reason for society separating into civil, social, and political. Jim Crow was not passed as an inscribed law worldwide, but was rather a combination of state and local laws made up of codes which held agreements to enforced segregation differently across the country. For instance, in the reasoning of the Supreme Court in The Civil Rights Cases, it struck down most of the Civil Rights Act of 1875 as beyond the reach of the Fourteenth Amendment. Also, Plessy v. Ferguson in 1896, which upheld racial segregation in railroad cars as merely a restriction of a social right, not an infringement of a protected civil right. Differentiating the category of civil rights from other categories of rights was thus at the heart of the civil rights project from the start. What would change in the twentieth century was the nature of the categories. The sharp lines between civil, social, and political rights became unclear and eventually unsustainable as the twentieth century black freedom movement successfully challenged racial discrimination in all these