Civil Rights Argument Essay

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What I Leant? All year I heard, learnt, even spoke about new things I never knew. The civil rights movement being one of them. I learnt that it was the period African Americans struggled to achieve civil rights equal to the whites. They wanted equal opportunities of employment, better living conditions, education as well as the right to vote. The movement was so big and spoke out to all people and influenced the rise of movements like the modern woman rights movement and the student movement of the 1960’s. The movement gave birth to great people like Rosa Parks who refused to give up her seat to a white person that lead to Montgomery, Alabama bus boycott and helped launch the civil rights movement. And one of the greatest speeches ever spoken that lead to his death, Martin Luther King Jr. had plans that changed the world forever. Poetry was one of the best classes we had. I learnt how to express myself with more than a word and actually enjoy writing some of my own poems. Most of the poems we learnt were about death or the era the writers were in. some was about slavery or waiting for the time death would actually take the author away. It taught me not to judge a book by its cover cause there more to the story than I know. It taught me that it’s an individual experience or just a story that needs to be told but in this age doesn’t have anyone …show more content…

His speech had many elements and taught us that we should be civil even in the times of darkness. That we should practice peace and never resort to violence for it only leads to more violence. As I heard that I always that when Jesus said, “If someone slaps you on one cheek, turn to them the other also. If someone takes your coat, do not withhold your shirt from them”. His speech spoke of helping others and never to give up on your dreams. While his life was cut sadly short, he died in pursuit of his dream and in spite of everything he faced, he never gave up on