Civil War Dbq

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From April 12th, 1861, to roughly April 9th, 1865, a war took place throughout the whole country of America called the Civil War. The Civil War as a conflict unlike any other in American history. A lot of lives were lost in the 4-5 years the war lasted. Bringing the war to a close was a long proccess full of strategic strategies that both the North and the South had to make that took a couple of years, but was effective nonetheless. 1864 and 1865 were eventuful years that both brought the war to a close and represent the end of the Civil War. "President Abraham Lincoln and Gen. Ulysses S. Grant chose to step up in the war in 1864 after realizing that limited campaigns against Confederate forces were having little effect," and they decided the war had to end to restore the Union. Grant ordered William Sherman, his close friend, to take a force through the Deep South, and in 1864, General William Secumsah Sherman began his March to Sea. Sherman defeated the troops in Atlanta by burning the city down, because they did not surrender. Then he marched to Savannah and while on the way, he destroyed railroads, burned homes, ruined crops, and looted and pillaged countryside towns. It is said a tornado could not have done that much damage. …show more content…

Lincoln, Grant, and Sherman realized they would have to come up with a new idea to increase their chances of winning, because the support of the civilians was what was keeping the war going down South. As a result, the 3 decided to engage in total war, meaning that everything and everyone was fair