
Civil War North Vs South Essay

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"Four score and seven years ago, our fathers brought forth on this continent a new nation: conceived in liberty, and dedicated to the proposition that all men are created equal” this is one of the most famous speeches in United States history. On November 19, 1863 President Lincoln at the dedication of the Cemetery at Gettysburg delivered speech of the Gettysburg Address that told of the ripples that tore through the Civil War like a hurricane. Nonetheless the Civil War did not just happen all of once it was a conflict that built up over time between two rival groups of states the North and South. It was the differences between the North and South that led to the Civil War and all of the destruction that followed. Economics and political differences between the North and South were big riffs that separated the Union, but the inconsistency that was the foundation for all these problems were different views of slavery between the two. Economics for a long while had been at the root of the problem that caused the Civil War. The North and the South may have agreed on a few things, but their differences were much greater …show more content…

North was against slavery while the South supported slavery (Council). The North viewed slaves as a misguided practice, though did not see them as equals. The South on the other hand viewed slaves as property (Difference Between). According to the Constitution, each slave in a state was counted as three fifths of a person in order to determine the population and representation in the House of Representatives. This law was enforced by the South in order to make the representation in the House of Representatives fare. Northerners viewed this constitutional right on slavery a source of the South’s political power (Describe the Economy). The differences in slavery may have caused the spark that started the civil

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