
Civil War Soldier Essay

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Please describe the life of a typical Civil War soldier. Being affected by war can be the worst time in a person’s life. Fighting a war is the worst time in a person’s life. The soldiers apart of combat of the Civil war experienced the horrors of war first hand. Many soldiers spent three fourths of their time at camp, not in battles. And for ten hours a day they were training. Despite the absence of fighting constantly, pestilence was a major issue. Camp often lacked clean water, which was a major health threat. Sometimes it was common for half the men in the regiment to be too sick to fight. Prison camps were another horror of the Civil War. Both sides built them and captured soldiers. Both sides were overcrowded. The overcrowded ness transformed the prison camps into …show more content…

The onset of the Civil War not only divided the North and South but caused conflict inside each division. In the North not all northerners supported the war to end slavery, and many were not in favor of the Emancipation Proclamation. Some even believed the south had the right to secede. Others blamed Lincoln and the Republicans for forcing the South into war. While the North was trying to decipher who started the war, the South needed to bind its riff between Georgia and North Carolina. In Georgia, barely half of the population agreed with secession. North Carolina, not really for the Civil War, had nearly 100 peace protest in 1863 alone. Georgia and North Carolina also were dissentient with the Confederate government forcing men to enlist from their states. It is obvious the Civil War was literally tearing the county at its seams. According to the Gettysburg Address, Lincoln felt that ultimately the Civil War was a test? A test of what? On November 1863 thousands of people gathered to hear Lincoln's historical remarks about honoring those who sacrificed their lives in the Battle of

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