Civil War Weapons Essay

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Most would say that the artillery we use for the Civil War isn 't distinct, but they really are, there are multiple uses for these mechanisms such as a longer barrel for a cannon for a longer range of fire, a twisted inside that would propel a dud across the battlefield, and a piece of machinery that could develop the equivalent of a massive bomb.
Now, some might say that the navy only consists of a few cannons, and a couple of riflemen , but really they consist of much more than just that. The navy used a much more distinct type of weapon, they called it the Iron Smooth Bore. It is used for a much more long ranged attack. It is mounted very firmly so that when it is fired it didn’t go flying off the boat, resulting in a much stronger fire power. …show more content…

The musket, a deadly rifle equipped with a sharpened knife at the end for close encounter combat. The musket is a highly efficient rifle that consists of gunpowder, shrapnel, and a metal rod to bury all of the ammo into the gun. When used in combat it is best used to take some sort of cover so you are safe when reloading. The only flaw the musket has is its reloading time which is very very slow, but when mastered, it only takes a few seconds. Other rifles were used for solely shooting and not close up combat. They are equipped with a longer barrel for a longer range of fire, for a more efficient aim. Each soldier would also have a s maller pistol , just in case they would get into any trouble along the lines of duty. Soldiers would often be told the strategies of which they were to use during that specific battle , but some of the other troops would also get a quick briefing being told that if they were to talk back they would not have any rights to use any of the artillery. This would cause a little rebellion that most generals would not stand for. The military generals were very strict about who got the right to use a certain type of weapon, but then again these men did volunteer for the job of serving their country in a war.Overall the soldiers were very responsible with their jobs and orders and they execute every one of them very

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