Clara Barton In The Civil War

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Clarissa Harlowe Barton was an important woman figure in the time of the Civil War. She was every soldiers’ angel in their time of suffering. She was even given the nickname “Angel of the Battlefield”, but let’s start off with getting to know Clara a little bit more before I tell you about how great she was. Clara was born on December 25, 1821, in Oxford, Massachusetts. Not only was Clara born on a great holiday, but she also founded the American Red Cross. What a lady… and no I did not just spoil the whole paper. Clara spent most of her early years helping out other people as much as they needed. She was always serving other people when they were in a time of need, but for one to know what to do, they must have some sort of calling or dream. Clara first found out how much she …show more content…

Clara also had another situation which called her towards helping others. At age 15, Barton became a teacher and later in her life opened a free public school in Brodertown, New Jersey. Can this woman get any better? I think not. Clara then moved to Washington D.C. to work as a clerk in the U.S. Paton Office in the 1850’s. Barton had an anti-slavery opinion and women who had opinions back then were already scorned, so Clara was soon let go from her job for being too controversial. Clara then went back to her home located in New England to continue her views that had gotten her fired in Washington D.C. When 1861 rolled around, she moved back to Washington D.C. The American Civil War has just broken out and Barton was one of the first volunteers lined up at the infirmary to help the wounded soldiers. When Clara’s father died, she felt the need to go even further than the local Washington infirmary. It was time for her to travel to the