
Clean Getaway Character Analysis

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The novel Clean Getaway by Nic Stone is centered around a Kid and his grandma, Scoob, and G’ma. G’ma spontaneously asks Scoob to go on this trip through southern America and Scoob agrees as he is in a little bit of trouble with his father. During the trip, G’ma takes Scoob to a whole bunch of memorable places for her as she has attempted to take this trip with her husband, Scoobs grandpa who died in prison. Throughout the trip G’ma continuously has been caught by Scoob doing some unusual things from possibly robbing a jewelry store to hide from authorities. Each piece of information Scoob receives allows him to realize he knows a lot less about G’ma than he thought. This book repeatedly brings up the theme of people not always being as they seem. Many examples portray this theme of people not being as they seem. One is when G’ma started changing her license plate. “This time he can see what she's carrying: a license plate. Except it’s green” (Stone 43). This scene left Scoob in pure confusion. G’ma goes on to put the green license plate on the back of the van. Scoob starts to wonder to himself the reason she's changing her license plate. Seeing someone changing their license plate unexpectedly implies they're either trying to run away or …show more content…

They look around for a little until they later decide to leave. On the way, out Scoob tells G’ma “You forgot to take the ring off!” (Stone 102). Now, this can just be an honest mistake but Scoob notices the look on her face. “G’ma look more caught than shocked” (Stone 102). That potentially implies that she intended to steal the ring from the store. Scoob wonders to himself what is going on. Now if it wasn't for the previous events of G’ma doing unusual things, this could just fly right past his head. But since there have been other unusual things that have happened Scoob is left wondering was her goal really to steal from the jewelry

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