Cleopatra The Second Circle Of Hell In Dante's Inferno

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As Dante and Virgil travel from Limbo they come to the second circle of hell, the circle where the lustful stay, “who’s punishment consists in being forever whirled about in a dark, stormy wind”. (109) While in the second level of hell Dante discovers that Cleopatra the last queen of Egypt has been damned to the second level of hell for her love of “men’s lusting”(78). Cleopatra was the ruler of Egypt until it came under roman control. Her lust for men’s attention was infamous. She abandoned her first husband to join Julius Caesar and to become the sole ruler of Egypt. (116). Her passion to be desired lead her in to the arms of men until she was turned down by the Roman govern of Egypt, Octavianus,. Dante chose Cleopatra as one of the