Climate Change: The Negative Impact Of Global Warming

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Climate change is increasingly recognized as a major challenge. It is widely accepted that the greenhouse gas emissions caused by humans are having a negative impact on the environment. The most important greenhouse gas, arising from human activity, is carbon dioxide (CO2). Virtually all human activities cause the CO2 emissions that lead to climate change. By using electricity generated from fossil fuel power stations, burning gas for heating or driving a petrol or diesel car, every person is responsible for CO2 emissions.
Furthermore every product or service that humans consume indirectly creates CO2 emissions; energy is required for their production, transport and disposal. These products and services may also cause emissions of other greenhouse …show more content…

Most climate scientists are agreed on the key parameter of climate change is the increasing amount of greenhouse gas concentration in the air. Solomon et al claimed that even if carbon dioxide emission is stopped now, the effects on climate could be reversed in 1000 years’ time (Solomon et al, 2009). According to NASA statistics, “the atmospheric concentrations of carbon dioxide, methane, and nitrous oxide have increased to levels for many years and concentration of carbon dioxide has increased from 315.71 ppm in 1956 to 398.78 ppm in 2014. Ocean acidification is caused by the absorption of 30% of the emitted anthropogenic carbon dioxide in the oceans (NASA Earth Science Communication Team, 2015). All those evidences have proved that the human factor is one of the major factors in rapid rise of greenhouse gas emissions. Additionally, as the greenhouse gas emission amounts continue to rise, the climate change would cause a change in whole climate system. Limiting or at least being aware of the current condition of greenhouse gases become significant as the consequences become dramatically