Coach Boone: An Authoritarian Leader

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An authoritarian leader is someone who does get their way. Coach Boone partnered the team based on race, and if they played offense or defense. He wouldn’t take no for an answer. You did it his way or you would be off the team. Later on in the movie Coach Boone got tired of them arguing and he made them run for miles in the forest, and before that he made people of different races talk and get to know each other every day of course the team members. Coach Boone wanted everyone to be equal specially on his team. Gary is also an authoritarian leader because he waited after the game to tell one of his friends he is off the team. Gary thought his friend was kind of holding the team back. During the movie Gary was overpowering at least trying. He cared for the team and wanted the best for his team. He did ask Boone for help deciding to kick his friend off the team, so Coach Boone wouldn’t help him decide. Therefore Gary made the best decision he thought of getting one of his best friends off of the team. …show more content…

A delegative person would be Yoast, because even though Coach Boone told Petey to go to sidelines he didn’t because Yoast saw the potential in him and made him play defense. Coach Boone and Yoast don’t get along as you can tell. It’s because it seems Coach Boone cares more about how they play than their players. The team needed Petey to play and Boone didn’t think so. When the team huddled Sunshine said, “I believe you can your job.” He put trust into his team and I think doing that did bring their team closer. The team played better knowing that there is people to believe in