Coaching Programs For Minorities And Women Essay

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Mentoring Programs for Minorities and Women
It is important that a person understand that coaching is something that is done to help a person improve their skills and a particular job. Supervisors use coaching to help an employee who is having difficulties performing their job. Coaching can used with individuals who may need just a little extra help or individuals who are not doing what they supposed to do. Women are more likely to be better coaches than men are because they have more patience and are more caring about how others feel. Women are more likely to go the extra step to help people who need a little extra guidance. When a person uses coaching it may be a detailed plan of what an individual needs to do to improve their performance. In this case, it is important that the coach include the individual in the planning phase so that they can help determine what they need to improve. It is also more likely that a woman will be a better coach than a male because they are more concerned about the person’s emotions.
Conflict Management Skills It is important that managers have knowledge and a clear understanding of their employee’s cultures to be able to …show more content…

Competing occurs when an individual pursues his or her own concerns and another person’s expense (Prause & Mujtaba, 2015). Accommodating conflict management is when a person neglects their own interest in favor of the other person or party involved in the conflict (Prause & Mujtaba, 2015). Avoiding conflict management is when a person is not worried about the outcome or the other person involved in the conflict. Collaborating conflict management occurs when conflict is solved so that both parties are happy with the outcome. Compromising conflict management occurs when the conflict is solved but it is only on a temporary basis (Prause & Mujtaba,