Code Of Hammurabi Essay

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With many laws written through the centuries, it is not clear if any single code of law was used to write our Constitution of the United States. Contributions to all codes of law have a history and many are written in blood to the disappointment of humanity. Since God made man, there have be laws for man to follow. He did not always choose wisely. From Adam and Eve to this last weeks shooting in Florida, human beings make bad decision and must suffer the judgements for those actions. God’s law, the Code of Hammurabi, and Roman Law of the Twelve Tables were contributions to our law in western civilization.

Trials and Tribulations

Eye for an Eye or Death

Actions must have consequences. The Code of Hammurabi was based on from the beginning. Hammurabi believed that the god’s, though pagan, had given him a kingship. As king, he was to administer these laws and must obey the divine laws. As in many laws, the man was the head of the house hold, but women were protected in this early code.[1] At this time in history, life was hard and cruel at times it was inhuman. Death was the judgement in …show more content…

The kings or ruling order claimed to be those gods human representative on earth thus giving them their divine lead.[8] In Exodus and Deuteronomy, God gave us the Ten Commandments to live our lives in accordance.[9] Many of God’s commandment are realized in the man-made laws beginning with a structure of living a forth right existence and human goodness. All three laws deal with stealing, murder, adultery, and lies. They address responsivities to our fellow human beings as our selves and family members. One big difference is God states “You shall have no other gods before Me.”[10] In this one law, we are to abide completely and with out reverence as it was God’s first law. Nether of the first codes mention God nor have any religious reference strictly because they are man-made