Code Of The Street Case Study

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Dear Mayor, After reviewing the data of crime in Los Angeles and after reading reports and interviews, it is clear to me that the reason crime is so high in your city is due to a theory called “Code of the Street”. This theory was developed by sociologist Elijah Anderson, and his theory states that crime is high in certain disadvantage neighborhoods, primarily in neighborhoods of color and in these communities, there exists this code one abide by to survive. In these neighborhoods this code forces its members to respond to certain situations in the form of violence for multiple reasons, lack of faith in the police, family and peer influences, living in poverty and the conditions one must endure by just stepping out the door. One issue …show more content…

So, for this reason, members in these communities have it ingrained within their self that they cannot count on the police and which interns forces the members in your city to police themselves and feel they are the only ones who can be responsible for their own safety and thus the code of the street comes alive. Another reason why police are not trusted within these communities because they are seen as outsiders, the enemy who only wants to add to their discomfort they are presently living in. Officers who police these neighborhoods not willing to understand The second reason I feel crime is so high in South Los Angeles is due to how the families have aggressively socialized and exposed their children to violence which interns are teaching them how the streets will treat them. This is done by parents or guardians yelling and beating their children for simple reasons, if for a reason at all, without clearly telling the child the reason for the treatment …show more content…

Mr. Mayor this is very important to understand, if you want to survive in these “streets” you must look the part and act the part, this is basic requirement because here weakness, showing lack of respect can quickly turn to violence, and they have to take care of themselves because no one else is. If you walk out the house without knowing this code or refuse to take part in to, makes you a target, because everyone is held responsible for knowing the code and for something this simple you could be killed for. So, it is very imperative to understand that the code of the street is not just for show, it is a way of life members in your city must live by if they want to